Calculate liquidation/stop-loss* price according to risk amount and trade fees.*versatile calculator...
Calculate liquidation/stop-loss* price according to risk amount and trade fees.*versatile calculator to also calculate take-profit price, position size and asset quantity etc. depending on the inputs you provide.###Trade Calculator for crypto and stocks.Bitcoin Trade Calculator for Bybit, Interdax, Bitmex, Kraken, Luno etc.######Liquidation calculator added to calculate liquidation price for one position, and to calculate new liquidation price when adding a second position.Liquidation price prediction for isolated and cross margin mode, for platforms trading with constant position size and for platforms trading with constant asset quantity.This liquidation calculator is good for analyzing how an added position or adjusting your leverage level would change your liquidation price.###* * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - Master Trade Calculator - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * *Calculate trade variables for:- Long Trades- Short Trades- Platforms that charge maker and taker fees (enter the fee rates into the settings page for the app to use in its calculations).- Platforms that trade by using constant position size (value constant) such as BTCUSD perpetual swap contracts (Trade fees calculated on the constant position size traded).- Platforms that trade by using constant asset quantity such as stocks etc. where the asset quantity remains constant during trading (Trade fees calculated on the constant asset quantity traded).Examples of the different methods in which the calculator can be used, according to inputs (Entry Price always entered):*Inputs: Position Size; - - > Calculated result: Asset Quantity*Inputs: Asset Quantity; - - > Calculated result: Position Size*Inputs: Position Size or Asset Quantity, & Stop-loss Price; - - > Calculated result: Risk Amount*Inputs: Position Size or Asset Quantity, Stop-loss Price, & Take Profit Price; - - > Calculated result: Risk Amount & Risk-reward ratio*Inputs: Stop-loss Price, Risk Amount, & Risk-reward ratio; - - > Calculated result: Position Size, Asset Quantity & Take Profit Price*Note: The calculator can calculate any variable you need based on the inputs you enter, taking trade fees into account.Trade fees for entering and exiting positions are calculated and shown, the fees are worked into the risk amount and profit amount, so that trade exit prices are exactly calculated to ensure that you do not risk more than you intended to risk, and that your profit is guaranteed to match the profit target after fees.* * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * *This app is a risk-management trading tool that can be used to calculate unknown values pertaining to a particular trade, including trade fees. It can be used when trading perpetual swap contracts where the position size remains constant or when trading stocks etc. where the asset quantity remains constant (Note this has an effect on trading fees and exit prices in your trade). When trading it is important to know the effects of trading fees on your trade; and being able to calculate trade variables quickly is crucial for success to enter an opportunity as soon as it’s available and exiting when you should be.This app can calculate any trade variables you need based on the inputs you select. One calculation example is to calculate your risk amount based on entry price, position size and stop-loss price, including trade fees. It can calculate all related trade variables for long or short trades, and displays all information necessary for your trade, even the resulting platform trade fees.You may select one, two or three variables to use as inputs. Based on the inputs you have selected it will calculate the other unknowns. Note that three inputs are necessary to calculate all other trade unknowns.This app was designed to be used as a quick reference to the variables and fees that affect your trade, to help you improve the way that you trade. Enjoy and be profitable!